RUA sets the trend in European grants

Czech institutions are involved in 65 projects under the Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence priority, of which 52 are coordinated by them. RUA is also associated with a large part of them.

18 Mar 2024

91 research teams from 43 institutions are involved in Widening priority projects involving the Czech Republic. Most Widening projects are coordinated by MU (14 projects) and UPOL (7 projects). This represents about 14% of the total support claimed so far for the Czech Republic.

The largest recipient of Widening priority funding is MU, which claims over 37% (€18.6 million) of the total Widening priority support for the Czech Republic. This is followed by UPOL with 12.7% (€ 6.4 million) and VUT with 8.2% (€ 4.1 million) of the Widening financial support for the Czech Republic. In total, AVUni is credited with 60% of the total support.

Source of information and a more detailed description can be found in the article by Daniel Frank from the Technology Centre Prague (in Czech).

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